Home / News / New beginnings: Two children from the hinterland region were given new smiles through the kind support of Desinco Limited & Smile Train Guyana

New beginnings: Two children from the hinterland region were given new smiles through the kind support of Desinco Limited & Smile Train Guyana

New beginnings: Two children from the hinterland region were given new smiles through the kind support of Desinco Limited & Smile Train Guyana March 21, 2024Leave a comment
Desinco & Smile Train Cleft

Dr. Shilindra Rajkumar, Head of General Surgery and the smile train team joined by Robbie Rambarran- CEO of GPHC, Alicia DeAbreu- CEO of Desinco Limited and Sunesh Maikoo- Sales Director of Desinco Limited

In January 2024, DeSinco Limited together with the Local Smile Train team successfully completed another surgical mission to help children from the hinterland who suffer with cleft lip/palate. 2 children (ages 1 and 3 years old) from region 9 (Lethem) benefited from this recent mission with successful reconstructive surgeries of cleft lip/palate. This left the medical team and children’s parents incredibly happy.

DeSinco continues to assist by ensuring that these children and their parents have access to both air and road transportation and meals during their pre and post operative surgery at Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation (GPHC).

April 2024 will make 2 years since the company has embarked on this charitable effort and has assisted 9 children and their parents who now have an opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life.

DeSinco has also donated personal and school items for Smile Train’s next outreach program, which is scheduled for the latter part of March.

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